Expert in group outings
Viatours specialises in group arrangements and day trips in Middelburg and Walcheren. But you can also come to us, online and at the counter, for regular city walks and guided city hall tours. We are located in the experience shop de Drvkkery on the Markt in Middelburg.
Since the disappearance of the VVV, the official tourist information point of Middelburg and the surrounding area has been located here. From that role, we have years of experience with city walks, guided tours and customised tours for various tourist activities.
Now under a new name Viatours!
Our team will introduce you to the city's rich history in a unique way.

Touroperators / Cruises / B2B
Arrangementen op maat
Of het nu voor zaken, vrije tijd of een combinatie daarvan is, Viatours komt tegemoet aan de wensen en verlangens van elke groep. Ons team laat u op unieke wijze kennis maken met de rijke geschiedenis van Middelburg en haar omgeving.
Met de grootste aandacht worden diensten en programma's voor elke (individuele) groep op maat gemaakt. Ons gidsenteam bestaat uit deskundige gidsen met jarenlange ervaring die Nederlands, Duits, Engels en Frans spreken.
Wij komen graag met u in contact en maken met plezier een offerte.

Our team

Els and Ingrid
Els and Ingrid organise everything behind the scenes at Viatours. You can get one of us on the line when you call.
Els Bruggink has a lot of experience in Zeeland tourism, having worked at the Provincial VV Zeeland and Roompot. Especially in product development and cooperation with local companies lies her strength. For Viatours, she takes care of management tasks.
Ingrid Datema ran her own business for many years and she has enjoyed living in Middelburg for 11 years. Organising is in her blood. In particular, Ingrid arranges the offers, contacts with tour operators and financial settlement.

Our guides
Our guide team of 14 enthusiastic city experts can be seen walking through Middelburg every day. An expert team of enthusiasts who really teach our guests about Middelburg's history and know how to find all the highlights and special places. Our guides speak at least 4 languages.

de Drvkkery
Viatours is part of De Drvkkery. De Drvkkery is the book, gift and office shop located on the Markt in Middelburg. A real experience shop! The culinary brasserie and the many live performances also make De Drvkkery more than just a bookshop. Tourist Info Middelburg is also located in the premises.